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Managing our footprint

At TC Energy, we’re committed to protecting the environment. Not just because we have to, but because we want to. We respect the diversity of the landscapes where we operate and work to minimize our environmental footprint while meeting the world’s growing demand for safe and reliable energy.

Restored 490+ hectares of boreal woodland caribou habit and planted 1 million+ trees in Canada since 2014
9000人通过威尼斯电玩城手游的项目获得了更多的饮用水 rainwater harvesting program in Mexico
Donated $1.到2020年,向71个非营利环保组织提供0.05亿美元

Doing the right thing

威尼斯电玩城手游认识到,威尼斯电玩城手游如何与环境互动对您至关重要. It is to us, too.

That's why our Environment principles of stewardship, protection and performance reflect our culture and guide our decisions every day when building and operating energy infrastructure.

威尼斯电玩城手游致力于在威尼斯电玩城手游资产的整个生命周期中保护环境, from business development to project planning and design, 从建造和运营到修复和最终退役.

To learn more about TC Energy and the environment, read our latest 2023 Report on Sustainability.


  Climate change

As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including our own emission of greenhouse gases. We are leaders in the development of a balanced and sustainable energy future and we’re doing our part to manage our GHG emissions through the programs and initiatives that meet, and often exceed, regulatory requirements.



Environment  Water

威尼斯电玩城手游知道,水是威尼斯电玩城手游赖以生存的生态系统的基本组成部分. The protection of water resources is of the utmost importance to both the environment and our business. Water is responsibly managed throughout the life cycle of our assets through our comprehensive Environment Program.



Environment  Land & wildlife

威尼斯电玩城手游相信,当威尼斯电玩城手游建立资产时,威尼斯电玩城手游会暂时借用土地. Over the course of our more than 65-year history, we have successfully reclaimed thousands of acres of land in many different ecological regions throughout North America. We undertake field studies and consult with stakeholders and Indigenous groups to develop specific environmental protection plans on all our projects in order to conserve and protect natural resources throughout construction and operation of our facilities. 


Environmental stewardship through collaboration

合作和关系的建立是威尼斯电玩城手游的核心 Environment principles. We develop partnerships with employees, industry partners, Indigenous groups and regulatory agencies and work together to help find solutions to important environmental issues.

Collaborating with employees

Our employees are dedicated stewards of the environment. TC Energy's environmental governance process applies to all employees and is integrated throughout all lines of business in all jurisdictions.

Collaborating with industry partners

威尼斯电玩城手游认识到,解决问题的力量在于数量和不同的方法. We actively seek outside perspectives and participate in a number of industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives to help resolve environmental challenges and advance best practices for our industry.

Collaborating with communities

We work closely with the communities where we live and work to ensure the environmental initiatives we're supporting – whether financially or through volunteer efforts – are the ones that matter the most to them. 这意味着与国家和地方组织合作,保护重要的栖息地, protect at-risk species and promote environmental education.

Collaborating with Indigenous groups

We recognize and respect the rights of Indigenous groups and their distinct relationship with the land. 威尼斯电玩城手游认为将传统知识整合到威尼斯电玩城手游的环境规划中是很重要的, and work with Indigenous groups to understand how our activities may affect them and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Case study:

Protecting the environment

能源项目的规划和发展包括环境方面的考虑. 作为西部道路项目环境保护计划的一部分, 收集了土壤和地形等环境要素的数据, wildlife and wildlife habitat, vegetation and wetlands, fish and fish habitat, water and water quality, heritage resources, air emissions and acoustic environment. This data helped identify environmental protection measures to be implemented with the goal of ensuring environmentally responsible construction and returning disturbed areas to equivalent land capability.

Watch how the West Path Program’s Foothills 2023 Elko project considered the environment during construction, 以及了解该计划正在进行的支持工作 Whitebark Pine recovery and conservation这是一种被《威尼斯电玩城手游》列为濒危物种的物种.

Case study:


We understand the vital need to conserve, 保护和恢复野生动物和植物的栖息地-包括在水中和陆地上. From rivers to ranchlands and trout to caribou, we are actively partnering with organizations, such as the below partners, to conserve important habitat across the continent.

icn_Canada_circle.png Canada

TC Energy has been supporting Trout Unlimited Canada for more than 20 years in their important work to conserve, protect and restore freshwater ecosystems. Most recently, we have been supporting the Reconnecting Canada program, 它的目标是重新连接全国100万英里不相连的水道. Through projects involving culvert replacements, culvert modifications or stream modifications, the “Million Mile Effort” will link fish to their habitat, repair river beds, improve water quality and connect Canadians to their water.


icn_USA_circle.pngUnited States

威尼斯电玩城手游与俄勒冈州的德舒特国家森林合作,修复宝琳娜河, a unique water system in the high desert plateau area, encouraging the reestablishment of native plants, 改善附近传粉昆虫的栖息地,恢复溪流的自然流动.


icn_Mexico_circle.png Mexico

威尼斯电玩城手游与奇瓦瓦州政府合作,提供4加元.1 million project to help make clean drinking water 这是居住在威尼斯电玩城手游的托波奥巴马波天然气管道附近的2,450个墨西哥土著家庭的现实. In total, 1,830 harvesting water systems and 35 systems for water collection will be built for the Raramuri people in Chihuahua, 为这些社区提供积极改变生活的基础设施.
